An enormous amount of stuff has changed for me regarding ARs and I now have more ARs of various types than I ever imagined that I would have. I'm still a dedicated AK74 shooter but I've had a really fun time deep diving into the AR world with various builds I've done myself, some high end factory guns and learning all kinds of things about building and troubleshooting them over the past few years. It's been quite a bit of fun and I will say that I genuinely love the AR (and actually always have). The AR was in fact the first rifle I was ever taught to shoot, on a rickety old M16A1 back in 1992 at Ft Sill Oklahoma. I still have a soft spot for the A1. So while I am still not an AR guy, I do have a bunch of them these days and shoot them almost as much as my 74s
I'll be updating this page much more often with some of the projects that I've done like my 9x39 AR, my night fighting 11.5 and the always entertaining JP Enterprises 22LR
KAC and Sendra RR with A1 shorty upper

The bottom rifle is a PSA 12" 6.5 Grendel upper that is my dedicated thermal hunting rifle. I really can't say enough good stuff about this particular PSA upper. It's been a stellar performer with almost no issues of any kind, and holds right about 1.5 MOA with good ammo. I run it like whipped mule and it never skips a beat

Whats an unsuppressed AR? Uncivilized and savage, I say

Well it's true, it had been nearly 12 years without owning an AR15 but in 2016 I decided to put one back in the collection, as well as send off for a form 1 to try out a few different SBR configurations
At that time I dabbled with the Ruger SR556 Takedown for about a year and while I really liked it (and the ability to QD barrel change between .223 and 300blk) I ended up having more fun with my Form 1 Noveske lower. I sold the Ruger to a better home and concentrated on AR SBRs, which go without saying as being a hell of a lot of fun
I snagged (and eventually sold) an ACR and discovered that rifle is also a ton of fun. Very smooth shooter indeed and fun suppressed

TA31GH, DD upper, Mini 4.

I still have the DD though the configuration has changed some. I am still a die hard ACOG fan and prefer it to virtually every other optic type out there, even more than most of my favorite Russian optics. You all can have your fancy LPVOs, I'm sticking with the ACOG, thanks ;)
And I am definitely enjoying the 16" Larue PredatAR in 5.56. Superb shooter and quite a lot of fun to shoot. I still have the Larue as well and it's been an excellent performer
Shown here with Trijicon Accupoint 1-8 and Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 suppressor. This was a good day at 300 yards
Old Ruger SR556 shown here with the amazing IOR Valdada M2 in 223. This is the Romanian modernized PSO sitting in Larue LT808-30 30mm rings