By Voron of
Freaking Zen, he is 100% responsible
for my new addiction of current Russian
Military grade scopes coming out of the NPZ.
I recently
acquired 1P63 Obzor, which translated to "view" or
"review" in English. This is a 1x magnification
rapid acquisition reflex sight that is one of
many modernized versions of the current
collimator sights coming out of Russia.
Obzor came with a
nice cover, instructions, and a key for
elevation/windage adjustment. You really dont need
this this tool, as any regular knife/screwdriver
will work in a pinch.
Obzor comes as a
traditional integrated system manufactured for the
Kalashnikov series of rifles and mounts to the left
side of the receiver via clamping mechanism. The
scope is very light. Exactly half a kilo (exactly
half the weight of the PO 3,5x21).
The real beauty of
this model is the complete lack of electronics and less things to go wrong. Scope is both
Tritium and microfiber supported to enhance the
viewing conditions. Tritium (H3) undergoes
radioactive transformation via beta decay and has
fairly long half life. Instruction say that it will
be good for about 12 years, after that you rely on
the microfiber illumination that helps great during
low light/dusk conditions.
Posterior side of
the scope contains windage/elevation knobs which are
protected by a set of caps that screw on
top of them. Once the scope is properly zeroed, caps
get screwed back on the knobs to protect them from
exposure to impact, water, etc.
The right side of
the scope contains the only switch on the on 1P64,
which acts as a polarizing filter to
help enhance viewing conditions, which depend
on the time of day or plain user preference.
thats about it for
the outside of the scope and its instructions....its
really simple, rugged and light.
The reticle
consists of (4) bars, (2) vertical bars and about 4
MOA triangle in the middle. The bars come in 2
different colours and come on during different
lighting conditions. They also help bring
out the contrast of the actual target, which is
colour dependent. This reduced the stress on your
eyes, because it doesnt have to work as hard to
gather proper light.
We zeroed the
scope in for 100 meters, and decided to do some
durability tests to see how it holds up against some
abuse. The scope was taken off, rifle cleaned and
the scope was re-attached back to the my AKs-74
The rifle was
tossed about 5 feet in the air with scope attached,
landing direct on the scope
Lucky for us, rain
started (as always ) heavy downpour.
We then setup some
quick targets around the corners and decided to run
some quick CQB scenarios. Going into modified prone
was very, very easy with this scope. Unlike any
magnified optic, Obzor sits just right for the whole
body, canted to either left or right side.
rain was heavy, and
lenses held up very well against high
humidity. There was no fogging up of the glass as
The we decided to
go back to the 100 meter range and see if the POI
has shifted after being slammed on the ground.
indeed there was a
POI shift, but minimal. about an inch right and up.
You can see
the triangle pattern that is around my finger (3
shots) and all i did was make (1) click to the left
and you can see the 3 shots in the 10 ring right
The tritium lights
up very nice. This is the view of the 100 meter
line, and the steel silhouette that we hung up for
practice. Hitting it off hand is not even a
challenge with this scope, even while RAPID fire and
This is the
man-size silhouette after dumping a mag into it off
hand while moving. Obzor makes it easy to hit
different colour targets, due to its dually lit
We then proceded to
do the same @ 200 meters. Shooting off hand into
this target was also a piece of cake. Rapid fire,
fast acquisition makes this scope a great asset.
here is the 200
meter view
filter on/off
hitting chickens
and pig was a also not an issue
man silhouette @
200 meters off hand rapid fire
so what are the
downsides? Honestly, i cant find any off top my
head. The glass in this scope is way better then
PK_AS and Kobra and slightly better then Rakurs.
I guess the FOV
could be a little bigger, but then you get the added
weight of the larger lens. The polarizing filter
plain kicks ass, and works really well.
Since the Obzor
was designed to be shot with BOTH eyes open (with
left you see everything in front, and around, while
with right you see the same picture THROUGH the
scope and see the stereo vision) it
makes it a great reflex/collimator scope. In fact i
like it more then my PK-AS and Kobra.
-no batteries
needed (H3)
-Made for AK
series of rifles
glass/kickass reticle
-holds zero while
on/off the scope
-polarizing filter
for FOV enhancement during varios lighting
cost: around 400$.
worth every penny. Highly recommended
alright, we did a little cross-comparison
of these (3) optics in low light and almost dark (by
almost dark I mean you can barely make out a
humanoid size target @ 50 meters)
optics used
-Aimpoint comp
something (mounted on friends m4)
we used a standard
timer to make shots on a man-size target @ about 75
meters. rifle down, wait till the beep
-1 second
-3 seconds
-5 seconds
I hate to say this
but Rakurs is my least favorite. Aimpoint has a
crisper dot that was more quickly and easily picked
up. The tritium lit German post was sorta in and out
and was not as easily identifiable compared to the
red dot of the Aimpoint.
but when 1p63 was
tested - it definitely came out on top.
using Obzor i
didnt have a single miss on the 1 second stage vs
Rakurs and Aimpoint red dot. the fact that you can
pick real quick the recticle of 1p63 with both eyes
open made it real easy to place POA on the man size
target in near dark. Plus, when the filter is turned
on, the scope becomes darker but the H3 becomes
BRIGHTER and since you aim with both eyes, the scope
really shines in these conditions.
just FYI
pix added
perfect night.
Pouring rain, then fog. Rifle/scope preformed with
no issues.
going into mod
prone with this scope is cake, almost as easy as
with plain irons
i know its a
shitty pic, but between the camera and the
operator, this is the best i could do
you get the