I bought my first NDM in 2006 in 54R, and a second in .308 the same year. Eventually I sold them both because the timing and prices were right, but not having an SVD in my life proved to be too much strain and I purchased another one in 54R in 2006 just a few months later. I've had this rifle for over 14 years now and have over 4000 rounds through it. I had the original terrible Chinese refinished redone in Duracoat and have been quite happy with it. Around 2009 I switched from laminate to polymer and never looked back (though in 2020 I restored it to classic laminate)
My 54r NDM is definitely a shooter and the polymer is more durable at the range or when hunting. There is a difference with the larger buttstock area in the polymer stock and the recoil is a bit softer. I have used this rifle on numerous occasions to hunt here in Texas which is the hog capital of the universe.
Early 2020 I was fortunate to run into a good deal on the NDM86 in 308
I'll update the site as time goes on with how well it shoots but it's off to a good start. I finally went all laminate on the NDM in 54R and moved the poly to the 308

Suppressed Tiger (left), NDM86 54R (middle), NDM86 in 308 (right)

Norinco brought in two versions of the NDM86, one in 54R and one in .308. The 308 is only distinguishable by the square box mag, otherwise fit, finish and other details are nearly identical to the 54r version
Russian laminate usually does not drop onto the NDM86 and typically requires fitting. The Russian Izhmash polymer does pop right on however and I've never had an issue with it on the Chinese rifles

2016 fooling around with a nice laminate buttstock. I have to say as bad ass as the classic laminate furniture is (and there are some really nice sets out there) I just can't get away from the black polymer
Left: SURPAT custom rig from UW Gear
Right: Digital Flora Chamelion SVD Chest
Chest Rigs:
Top Digital Flora Chamelion
Left: SURPAT custom rig from UW Gear
Right:Multicam Chamelion
Original Chamelion with MP4-20 Spotting Scope
This pouch is definitely designed for the MP 4-20 and is NOT for flares or another PSO-1 optic
Closeup of the UW Gear custom SVD chest rig. Includes two SRVV SVD single mag pouches attached to the molle points. The guys at UW are some of the nicest people I've met in this business and really have their act together. Their attention to detail is fantastic and their gear is by far my favorite. Here is the review I did on their forum back in 2012
Shown here in admin/range mode. A utility pouch in the middle for tools and three SRVV single mag pouches added, for a total of 13 mags. I would not use this in the field however. It's a bit cluttered and I don't like the bungee method for the two extra pouches.
I combine my SVD and AK chest rigs with my old school Army LBE and switch out depending on what training class or rifle I am involved with. Shown here with two HSGI Tacos for the 5.45 mags, SMERSH butt pack and SRVV medical pouch in SURPAT
UW Gear AK74 rig in SURPAT (Top)
Beez Combat Systems SVD Rig based on the Chamelion, shown in ATACS camo. Good rig but in the end I didn't care for the open top mag pouches.
Same BCS rig design in SURPAT. After using this configuration I did not like the admin pouches in the chest area and went with additional mag pouches instead.
Modern Chamelion in digital flora. The MP4-20 pouch has thankfully been replaced with Molle
However in November 2016 I bought another and surprisingly it had the MP4-20 pouch again
And the SRVV SVD pouches:
(OD pouch is actually SPLAV,
another Russian gear manufacturer)
Some rare-ish SVD pouches I've
been looking for, might as well throw these in while
we’re talking about SVD pouches and chest rigs. I
actually like these quite a bit. These were part of
the original SMERSH system in OD, but now with a
little hunting you can find these and SMERSH in other
colors. ANA is another high quality Russian gear maker
and they have picked up this design as well
SPOSN SMERSH SVD pouches and
SPOSN 2x SVD mag single pouch
These do seem to fit US LBE
pistol belts easily, it's tight but you can get them
wiggled on if you need to. Each pouch holds a total of
4 SVD mags and 2 grenades
For reference SMERSH is an LBE
style webgear basically inspired by the older USA
LBE/ALICE system but with some changes from what I can
see. One thing that SPOSN is good at is not
reinventing the wheel…if a proven system works they
don’t have a problem using it (from the US LBE gear to
former German SS camo patterns, they don’t seem to
mind where things originate) and when the produce it
the gear is high quality and well made. I’m tempted to
pick to pick up a full set of SMERSH SVD gear but I
haven’t yet since I still have my perfectly functional
LBE from my Army days. It’s interesting enough to make
me consider it for the collection though so we’ll see.
Pack can be moved from the back
to the waist and there are modern versions in newer
color patterns also, also additional manufacturers. I
would stick with SPOSN/SSO or ANA only for these
purchases. The basic rig can be configured for AK/RPK,
PKM or SVD pouches (Shown here with SVD
pouches similar to above)
A very very rare scope: Izhmash actually manufactured PSO-1 for a period of time
The Phostest with the mostest

Always fun to shoot with irons at 300 yards

Marco Vorobiev's 2011 Behind Lines Winter Class

And again in 2012

Doc Feelgood doing his lefty shooting
Hanging out on the bus
Back in 2006 up around Hutto Texas
SLR105 with PK-AS and Znich tactical light next to the .308 NDM (And my Army Platoon Sergeant's Argentinian Mauser)

This is actually also refinished
laminate, not original Soviet finish. Amazing results
and I still miss this furniture because it
went with this rifle when I sold it
With BelOMO POSP 8x42. I prefer 4x24 for any
practical use except bench shooting for groups. 8x is
too restrictive of a field of view if you have to
engage targets rapidly. The POSP is a great optic
however and extremely well made.

With original Chinese PSO and Russian bipod
7N1 sniper ammo crate and ammo

SVD is 48" long and needs a suitable bayonet