I also considered the venerable WASR10 and was leaning that way but ultimately decided that I wanted dimples. No offense to the WASR not having them, they are great rifles and in fact I owned one a decade ago that I wish I hadn't sold, but for this particular AKM dimples were important. I actually didn't want a side rail either because I wanted to try out the AK Master Mount, so the WASR was out. I do recommend the WASR though. They are an all purpose AK workhorse that have gotten quite good in the last 5 years
This AKM is one of the Atlantic barreled receiver kits that were built by High Standard in Houston, Texas, on Hungarian non matching parts with US receiver and US chrome lined barrel. While I am a big believer in original combloc CHF barrels, for this rifle it didn't really matter and I was ok with buying a not so expensive AKM with no frills or collectibility value
The rifle was a bit green in the parkerizing department but very smooth and evenly applied. Rivets are acceptable and there are no obvious signs of Century Arms-like monkey business. It seems to be a well built rifle and shoots straight. Sights are not canted and no function issues in 150 rounds or so
I hit it with high temp grill paint, added the Tula laminate, installed the AK Master Mount and called it a day. I will be using this rifle to test the Master Mount during 2018 as time permits
Shown here with PK01-VS and Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 suppressor

Closeup of the AK Master Mount. So far so good, as of
April 2018 the PK01-VS is still holding zero