BelOMO has listed PK42 on their site for a long
time but I have not been able to locate one to review.
However, in late 2017 a good friend of mine acquired a
non working demo model that I was able to borrow and
get photos of. It seems that unfortunately the battery
exploded in this unit and is stuck in the compartment.
I doubt this one will make it back into life which is
a shame
First off PK42 is without a doubt the largest and
heaviest red dot in the entire universe, that
much I am sure of.
I thought the early gen 1 BelOMO red dots were heavy
but I could forgive them due to age. PK42 however, is
a monster and is clearly intended to be used by
Swedish power lifters who pull buses with their teeth
I do not have an official explanation on why it is so
large but my immediate thought is that it is designed
for a genuine heavy machine gun like the 12.7 DShK or
Kord. Not much else makes sense to me based on the
size and weight, which comes in at 23.5 ounces without
battery or side rail mount. Physically the PK42 is
almost as large as PO 3.5x21P and almost as heavy with
a side mount like NPZ. I am honestly quite surprised
by the size because I have never seen anything like it
in all the years I have been shooting and collecting
optics. The BelOMO stock photo does not give any
indication of actual size either so when I opened the
box I was speechless for a second.
On a side mount it's heavy but it's not quite as bad
if you attach directly to a top cover mount like the
ZenitCo B33. The relatively high mount of the optic
also does not lend itself well to rifles IMO, which
further increases my thought that it is designed for a
crew served weapon
Construction appears be tank like and I think it can
take some abuse. Finish is the same classic BelOMO
black that you find on most of their modern optics
This is an interesting optic and I wish the unit was
in working condition so that I could get photos of the
reticule pattern and test to see if it's NV
compatible. The on-off / illumination dial is not
marked but it has 9 distinct clicks which are very
crisp and feel quite good, not spongy or indistinct
The optic is Weaver/Picatinny compatible and uses two
simple knobs to tighten. The emitter is on the bottom
and the unit takes a single AA battery
I am really glad to be able to get some in person
photos of it
Shown here on the SGL31 with ZenitCo B33 topcover
On the NPZ rail
Elevation and battery compartment
PK42 mount does block the irons in all cases
This would be the reticule view if the optic were
in operational condition. FOV is quite
large needless to say
Mount base is Weaver/Picatinny compatible
PK42 compared to the lightweight RS-M, also by
Comparison to the massive PO 3.5x21P. BelOMO
seemed to want a red dot to compete with PO 3.5