This is one of my very favorite optics that I've been looking to pick up for a long time. This is an NPZ manufactured optic and is supposedly issued to SVD sniper teams to expand the observational range of the standard PSO-1 optic.
Optical quality is very high and it has an adjustable diopter to compensate for the very high zoom level.
The one I received has a C-clamp for mounting to a fixed object but I believe it can also take it's own small tripod mount, though I haven't seen it anywhere yet.
Like most variable power optics produced by NPZ or BelOMO the symbology magnifies as the variable power is increased, so at highest power much of the symbology is cut off. In my experience you tend not to notice this and it hasn't appeared to interfere with the device functionality.
MP 4-20 also has the classic extendable sun shade but does not have illumination of the reticule, and comes with the amber filter for reducing eye strain (like the famous Blue-Blocker sunglasses)
MP 4-20 is not illuminated and does not have
batteries or tritium. I regularly take this optic to
the field for work and it's proven itself to be a
handy companion.

With C clamp mount. I have not seen a tripod for this
yet but the bottom of the clamp has an additional
thread which could most likely mount one.
The Chamelion SVD rig has a spotter scope pouch that
appears to be designed for this optic in particular.
It's often said that this pouch is for a signal flare
but it really doesn't make sense to me. Why would you
carry just one flare in a pouch that is so well
protected instead of just using two or four vertical
mounts? So many other Russian chest rigs do for flares
and they are a common design feature on other rigs.
No, to me it is clear that the perfect fit of the
MP4-20 is not an accident, and neither is the double
flap method used to protect it
Even some modern Chamelion rigs have the pouch as well
Reticule pictures:
This is the naked eye view near Barstow, Texas.
Through the MP at 4x
At 12x
At 20x
With the amber filter installed at 4x. I have to say that this feature works very well and does actually reduce eye strain
At 20x
1.7m range finder goes out to 2700 meters
The 4x dial rotates up to 20x and the diopter ranges from +5 to -5

Auzie and his MP 4-20

A much smaller cousin of the MP spotter scope and also manufactured by NPZ is the tiny yM8 or yM8-2 optic. y is prounced oo like moo, or oo-em-eight.
This is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, is 8x fixed magnification and has an adjustable diopter as well (actually the longest diopter I have seen, it keeps rotating and rotating but finally stops after about a zillion turns).
There is no reticule on this spotter and no range finder, it's basically a simple monocular without batteries or tritium illumination. Optical clarity is also very good.

Next to the Surefire G2 light

MP4-20 and yM8